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CA53TTE number plate


Stock Level: 1

Product Information


Number plate available for transfer

suitable for CA53TTE cassette tape business or enthusiasts

not a mass market really but looks good

Now then private chersihed number plates are not for everyone and we totally get that, there's plenty of overpriced silly nonsense on offer and there is a kind of 'show off' element attached to people displaying such number on their cars but nowadays, really does anybody care or get bothered, it's a bit of fun surely. Yes but for us much more. Being the type of random company we are and not having pension plans (or any plans come to think) we have very carefully chosen certain cherished plates to 'invest' into when the tape business has been rewarding. And it's been a lifesaver when the tape business has struggled and a plate sale has bought stock.

They are great investments if purchased at the right price, long term there's a good growth, risk free, no risk of lost or stolen, no maintanence, no tax or insurance, no storage or deposit box hire liked you'd get with vintage watches, gold or art, it's safe and best of all a little fun/publicity.

Product Code: CA53TTE

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