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Cellowrap cassette sleeve/slip pack


(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Im Durchschnitt 4.3 auf Grundlage von 3 Rezensionen

Bestandsmenge: 500



Ideal for economical shorts runs of cassette releases where the cassette library cases is swapped for a card sleeve or card slip, also known as 'O' cards. These will give them a professional clean fresh finish.

They will also fit our smaller polycases.

Self seal, resealeable and reusable, cellophane clear seal pack.

The card sleeve is not included, just the clear cellowrap

Produkt-Code: CassetteCellowrap


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Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.3

they do fit

they fit cassettes packed into O card slip perfectly. Exactly as stated in the description. They also sell similar cellowraps for cassettes in full size library cases

Les Jones :: 23 Sep 2020, 13:55

they do fit

they fir the cassettes packed in the slip cases perfectly, exactly as the description states. They also supply similar wraps for cassettes in library cases

Les Jones :: 23 Sep 2020, 13:53

Don’t fit jewel-case cassettes

Bought these to keep my collectible cassettes safe and un-damaged but the cello wraps don’t fit jewel case cassettes. I presume that they’re only meant to fit cardboard digisleeve cassettes.

Samuel Spalding :: 4 Apr 2020, 16:03

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