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Ferric tape reel end (short)


(Descuentos por grandes cantidades)

Nivel de stock: 38

Información de producto

Reel end of ferric tape complete with 1/8" NAB Hub (short)

Ideal for experimenting, short loops, editing or even adding tape to an existing tape to make it longer.

The reel ends here are what is left over when our loading machines can no longer use the remaining tape to make the cassette length needed. For example if a large reel of cassette tape can make 40 x C60 cassettes with one reel then after it has loaded 40 tapes it will switch to another roll of tape and leave a short amount of tape on the hub which could be just a few seconds but could be a few minutes. These are mixed and short amount of tape on each left over reel but a rough guess would be between 1 to 5 metres of ferric tape on each hub. The NAB hub 1/8" is also included.

Please note these are the shorter reel ends we have for sale with a very short amout of tape remaining. We also have others listed with more tape for a little extra 

Código de producto: FERReelendsmall

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