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Pink new pink


(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Bestandsmenge: 2412


Brand new freshly manufactured stocks of pink cassette plastic shells are now available and in stock. Welded, tabs out. Please note these are very close in the shade of pink to our previous 'Mid Pink' colour shells which we still have a few available listed in a multi-colour listing. The photographs on here make them look like completely different shades of pink but when you see them together they are very similar. We will just call these new ones 'New Pink'

Load these with high quality music grade ferric tape to your chosen length.

welded tab out shells, you will need to cover up the two holes on the top edge to enable 'record' use a piece of blu-tac or sticky tape and remove after recording.

Some hi-speed copiers can use the cassettes with the holes in place.

Produkt-Code: barbiepink


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