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Pro NAB tape storage & transport pack


(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Bestandsmenge: 50


Sturdy recyclable professional NAB hub reel and bulk tape packaging by MPO.

Magnetic Products Oosterhout BV, logo branded

as once used by Maxell, BASF, Emtec, RMGi etc for music industry reel tape users where the boxes were unpacked flat and returned to the factory for re-use.

These can be used as strong storage or secure shipping of approx:

5 x 1inch reel

10 x 1/2 inch reels

20 x 1/4 inch reels

40 x 1/8 inch reels 

or a mix of the above.

When used for shipping these were often further secured with either box strapping, cello-wrap pack or sometimes an additional card box, but sometime when shipped in full pallet loads just these MPO packs held the tape and the packs lock together when stacked on a pallet which would then be pallet wrapped.

The tape can be stored on the NAB reels or just the centre hub.

1 x item here will include one x pack, top/bottom and middle tube. The tube has 4 recess points at each end to lock into the top/bottom piece.

These have not been recyceled or returned to any tape factory for over 10 years and the majority of these package boxes throughout the world have now been scrapped.

They are slightly awkward to ship economically in bulk with our set P+P charges so if you require say 20+ packs or if the shipping appears too expensive please contact us directly to discuss shipping options and prices.

Please note that these packs have been used many times and have marks, bits of sticky tape and maybe some small areas of muck gathered from years of storage so if you intend to use them for precious tapes a soak or deep clean would be advised.

Produkt-Code: MPOpack


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