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Rare trade magazine for tape/disc


Lager Level: 6

Produkt Information

1 x Old trade magazines for the Tape/Disc industries.

One random copy from our collection of ONE TO ONE 'The International Media Manufacturing Magazine' from 2000 to 2004

Approx 20 years old and gives an interesting read for anybody within or researching the business.

They were essential reading back then and crammed packed with all the latest breakthroughs, developments and trade news. Not cheap either, $10 a copy, 20 years ago!

They were International magazines for the media manufacturing trades.

We had much interest and success recently selling some of our various trade magazines so we have decided to list more as individual random copies from our collection. Please note that to locate certain dates and exact issues would require much time and therefore attract a higher price, these for sale here are simply 1 x copy taken straight out of a box full.

All in good condition. Some great adverts as well. Very rare. Some of the adverts are worth cutting out and framing.


Produkt Kode: one2one


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