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Recycled ferric tapes x 25


(Mengenrabatte verfügbar)

Bestandsmenge: 5


25 x cassette tapes which were recorded onto once and then erased. They were used as our sample tapes, for various lengths and spare copies etc. There's a label fixed onto one side only which states the exact tape length written by hand in ink.

Every one is a different length from short to long. Tape type is normal ferric type 1 but brand is unknown, however it will most likely be BASF, RMG, NAC, RTM, Emtec, SKM, Acme,

Most are white shells but there's a few black and clear ones. All mix

Most still have record tabs in place but some have them removed or part removed and will require recovering with a small piece of sticky tape to enable your machine to select 'record'

1 x purchase here gets 25 x tapes

Produkt-Code: RecycledFeriic


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