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RTM loaded blank cassettes


Stock Level: 199

Product Information

RTM tape custom wound to any length you need into a choice of welded tab out cassette housings.

Select the nearest length you require and then message the exact length you need. 

Shells available for this offer are as follows

Black/White piano, welded tab out

Sea green frosy clear welded tab out

Dark Green clear welded tab out

Pink Clear welded tab out

White screwed tab out

All Clear, dark tint, Balck Hub tab out

It may be possible to offer other shell colours by request. This listing is intended to supply high quality newly manufactured cassette tape to cassette duplicators and artists recording their own material and not intended to be resold as branded or rebranded blank cassettes. This is why they are supplied in tab out shells only. If recording your release on real time cassette machines you may have to cover the 2 holes on the top edge of the shell with a small piece of sticky tape or blu tac to enable 'record'

Product Code: RTMEKOQ413

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