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Super Duper tape copies


(Remises offertes sur les achats en gros)

Fabricant: TAPELINE

Niveau du stock: 759

Information produit

You may have heard of some new high performance cassette tape made in France by the brand 'Recording The Masters'. They are the only company producing a commercial tape available to the public. The FOX C60, which has received a very positive response and has great reviews worldwide.

We have it in stock in bulk ready to produce high quality cassette copies. This is the same duplication service we have always offered but now offering a premium quality tape. So duplicated cassettes ordered in this catergory will be copied on RTM tape stock. The very same tape as the FOX C60 yet custom loaded to the exact length of your program. Due to the extra thickness of the RTM tape it is currently restricted to a maximum of C66, 33 mins per side. Above that you'd need to consider our standard duplication.

Price starts for 10 copies (price per copy) and rapidly reduces the more you have

Minimum quantity available is 10 x copies

You can place your order here for cassette duplication, choose the nearest tape length and cassette colour, and add a case if requirred. You can select on body printing or cassette label printing elsewhere on the site and add those to your basket if you need them as well. Templates for submiting any artwork can be found at the bottom of our homepage under 'downloads'

Choose the quantity of cassettes you want and add to your basket then use the message box for any further instructtions, details or questions.Fancy colours such as the twin bi colours and metalic liner shells will attract an extra 15p per tape and a special request such as the mirror silver shells an extra 50p each, that's the kind of topic to mention in the mesaage. Any printing, labels, sleeves, packaging and cases can be added from other catergories.  It is most likely that we will contact you at some stage during processing your order to double check your details especially if you haven't ordered before.

TIP, as the cost of the cassette tape inside the cassette housing is now very expensive we'd advise keeping the tape length perhaps a little short, 15 to 40 minutes, there's big price rises at 60 minutes and beyond.

Once the order has been placed you can forward to us wetransfer link of your sound with side 1 and 2 details, by email or added to messages. Or post CDR, cassette, DAT masters etc in the post to our workshop.

Tapeline over the years have had many types of duplication systems for audio cassettes from Mono 'in cassette' copies to SAM III digibin copies. , but also reel time duplication, stereo Sony/Otari hi-speed in cassette, Tapematic half inch loop bin system and a Tapematic SAM digibin. We'd choose which method to duplicate depending on each order. Short runs of speech perhaps the Sony Mono in cassette, short runs of music maybe reel time and bulk orders loop bin.


Code produit: RTMcopied

Remises sur quantité

Vous pouvez économiser de l'argent sur ​​cet article si vous en achetez plusieurs en une seule commande. Le tableau ci-dessous indique les quantités minimums requises pour bénéficier de cette offre ainsi que leur prix.

QuantitéPrix par unité

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