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Used BASF LH-Extra I C90


(Descuentos por grandes cantidades)

Nivel de stock: 6

Información de producto

1 x Used BASF LH-Extra I C90 standard Ferric cassette tape.

Ready to re-use. Only 6 pieces available, all in good condition, buy more than one piece for extra discount.

The legendary BASF LH  type one tape, an Industry Standard tape grade for many years not seen readily available as a branded cassette tape since the 1990s.

Great for any collection and totally useable.

Excellent condition. Record tabs in place. Complete with BASF library case and sleeve. The sleeve and/or the side label may have a small amount of hand written notes on them.

There will be music or sound recorded onto one or both sides of the cassette. This can be listened to, erased blank or simply recorded straight over the top of it with new material, the record tabs are already in place and not been removed,

Just checked ebay and exactly the same are for sale with a couple of sellers, used, same condition at £6 to £8 each

Código de producto: USERYYMA35

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